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Video Marketing

5 Top Video Killers

When you've seen one awful video, you've seen them all. With business videos, it's easy to discern which videos are good and which are bad. There are lots of common…
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Video Marketing

Simple Perspective For 2D Animation

  (This article was originally posted on eTourist's blog. We are republishing it here with his permission for the community's reference.) Perspective drawing is the art of creating the illusion…
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Video Marketing

A Video Maker’s Cheat Sheet

Here's everything you need to know about writing a strong script and creating a killer storyboard for your next business video.
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Video Marketing

Why Do You Need A Startup Demo Video?

Running a startup is challenging, to say the least. You're on the clock 24/7 trying to raise funds, develop a great product, attract users, design, redesign, work out bugs, network…
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Video Marketing

5 Common Script Mistakes To Avoid

When it comes to making a great business video, demo video or sales video, one of the most important elements is your script. Sure, fancy-shmancy effects, killer animation and pristine…
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Video Marketing

A Proven Promo Video Formula That Sells Like Crazy

The epiphany is the moment just before a person decides to buy what you're selling. With a promo video, you want to take potential customers by the hand and lead…
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