All-in-One, All Right Here: How Vyond is Making Video Creation Effortless | REGISTER NOW

Foster an Engaged Workforce with Video Communications

With Vyond, you can transform the way you communicate across your organization and around the world.

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Video, the Best Alternative to Being There

In our hectic and technologically driven lives, the value of video is self-evident.
From video conferencing to mobile live streams, telecommunication with colleagues and audiences through video is now more prevalent than ever.

But live video communication has its detractors; poor connections, technology glitches, or the anxiety that comes from having to be on camera are some of them.

Whether it is employee onboarding or corporate announcements, Vyond videos empower you with all of the benefits of video communication without the stress.

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Communicate With A Distributed Workforce

Vyond videos are especially effective in remote work and communication because they improve message delivery and retention in lieu of face-to-face interaction.
Pre-recorded, or asynchronous, videos like those created with Vyond give your employees content that is self-paced and portable.

Moreover, customizable templates, characters, and props keep your message on brand. And because you create the text and dialog, it’s easy to make videos for a global audience.

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Increase Employee Engagement

With Vyond, you can keep your employees captivated while still delivering important information. And that’s because video is the most engaging form of content. Employees are 75% more likely to watch a video than to read text, and up to 22x as likely to retain the information. Plus, watching a Vyond video is more enjoyable than reading yet another series of emails.

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Build A Dynamic Culture

By using Vyond videos, your workforce gets the message you want to deliver in a dynamic and interesting format.

Vyond is perfect for serialized content used to build culture, from interviews and news-style updates to personnel introductions program rollouts.

Create relatable characters, add your own dialogue and sound, and build on Vyond’s extensive asset library to create bespoke videos that embody your brand and build your culture.

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Say hello to Vyond Go—the industry’s first AI-powered script and video creator.

Create editable video content with a single prompt, in seconds. For real.

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